Product Showcase

RP&G Printing has what you need
to operate and market your business

When it comes to your business, you only get to make a first impression once! RP&G Printing can help you make a great impression that gets attention, gets remembered, and gets results. We help not only with the way your printed piece looks, but often we help companies avoid the trap of “Blah-Blah-Blah” marketing! RP&G Printing has skilled graphic designers and seasoned marketing pros  with over 35 years in the business, we help our clients sharpen their focus, define their goals and produce effective marketing collateral that looks great, informs the reader, but most importantly – causes them to take the desired action!

Take a look at some of our work, and we think you’ll agree –
RP&G should help you on your next project!

Business Cards

A business card is an integral part of a good marketing plan. For its size and cost, it is probably one of the most powerful parts! So it is especially important that your card be one that is memorable and makes a favorable impression. Otherwise it will probably get tossed into a drawer full of bland forgotten cards that keep accumulating long after the businesses they represent have faded away.

Your business card is like a window display for your business. Be sure it is eye-catching and informative, or prospects might just walk on by!

Silk With Spot UV
16 point silk finish, round corner with spot UV. Simple and uncluttered design on the front is open and inviting. Plenty of room on the back for the contact info, including a custom QR code address book entry.
14 Point Dull Coat
14 point, dull coat stock, printed in full color. Photographic elements and creative design can really help tell your story.
16 Point UV Gloss
16 point, full color with high gloss UV coating. Adding a photo to a creative design helps cement who you are in your prospects memory!
Raised Ink on Linen
Raised ink on linen stock. Spot PMS colors. The glossy raised look of this type of ink can really make designs pop.
Custom Die Cut
A custom die cut shape can really help tell your story and create a memorable card that gets results.
20 Point Plastic
Plastic provides a durable alternative to paper. Great for membership cards and other items you need to last. Here, creative design adds faux dimension and mimics the client's product.
32 Point Foiled
A double thick 32 point matte stock, printed in full color, foiled and embossed with metallic ink added along the outside edges.  High gloss gold foil that is deeply embossed almost seems like gilded jewelry!
14 Point Foldover
Have a lot of info that needs to go on your card? Fold-overs can be a great way to accommodate what you need to say, without being cramped.
Spot UV over Rich Black
16 point silk laminated, with rich black and spot UV. Spot UV over a dark background color creates a dramatic and classy look.
Gold Foil and Spot Color
Linen stock printed in two spot colors with a gold foil accent item. Foil and ink working together creates a classy and eye catching look for all types of businesses.


A good brochure will introduce your company and give the prospect a visual feel for who you are and what you do. It should function well as both a door opener before a sales call, as well as a reminder to which prospective clients can refer to afterwards.

Gate Fold
9 x 12, 80# uncoated cover, printed in full color, gate-fold. Stand out with great design, a different size and finish with an inviting gate fold configuration that welcomes the reader to discover more with each turn of the page
Standard Tri-folds
What ever your product or service - we can design and print a brochure that suits your needs!
100# Gloss Text
A creative use of texture and colors can create a warm friendly look for your message and information.
100# Gloss Text
Brochures can be an efficient way to inform your employees , getting them necessary info in a more reader friendly format than a memo or bulletin.
Uniform Look
A uniform design framework across multiple brochures can help reinforce brand identity and recognition.
Tear Off Panels
Brochures with tear off panels are a great way to educate and fund raise.
Different Sizes Stand Out
Step out from the pack with an unusual size configuration. Any shape and size, RP&G can design and print an eye catching and effective marketing piece.

Postcards - flyers - door hangers

Postcards are a great way to reach a large audience with your sales message. We can help you create an effective post card campaign, and even provide you with a demographically-targeted mailing list.

Flyers can be great for trade shows, events, retail and as bag stuffers.

Door Hangers can serve a lot of purposes, from the trades person working in a neighborhood, to service people leaving information on the service call for the homeowner.

Strong Images
Never underestimate the value of a powerful image, to help prospects pay attention and relate to your postcard.
Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) is a great program offered by the US Postal Service. If your business is proximity driven, it allows you to do blanket mailings in near by neighborhoods at an extremely attractive postage rate and with no mailing list and addressing needed.
Many Sizes
Post cards come in a wide variety of sizes and are a great way communicate with both prospects and existing customers. Economical to produce they are also less expensive to mail. We can help design effective post cards and help you with mailing list acquisition.
Rack Cards
Rack cards, similar to post cards but geared towards distribution by hand or in a counter racks. It is a great way to get a moderate amount of info into your customers hands.
Rack Cards
Rack cards can be a great way to spot light staff members. A picture, a bit about their role in your organization along with education and contact info.
Door Hangers
Door-hangers - great for trades people, as a leave behind when no ones home or when canvasing a neighborhood. Can also be used as a service ticket/form. We also produce a large number for schools as pickup aids for parental pickup lanes.
Flyers and bi-fold marketing pieces are great for trade shows and in other cases where a brochure isn't right. Plenty of room for bold images and your sales message.